Monday, May 16, 2011

EXP 2 feedback:

Aaron Dewberry

Key strength of the scheme:

Composition of prisms is well thought out

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Hand drawing is rough, and the relation between architecture and landscape is unsophisticated.

Catriona Tait

Key strength of the scheme:

Well drawn axonometrics, and approach to design composition and relationship to the landscape

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Final images are too small, with a loss of detail.

Glecia Octora

Key strength of the scheme:

Well devised landscape and architecture with excellent use of precedent

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Introduction of some detailing elements would have strengthened the scheme

Howard Nguyen

Key strength of the scheme:

Clever and sophisticated approach to design form making. Excellent use of textures

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Hand drawn axonometrics and textures not quite to the same standard as the rest of your EXP

Jennifer Li

Key strength of the scheme:

Beautiful hand drawings (although textures not so well applied to the model)

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Design suffers in its relationship with the landscape.

Jessica Zhang

Key strength of the scheme:

Commendable design process demonstrated on blog. Beautiful hand drawings, and textures well applied to model.

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Details of stair and ramps in cliff have a questionable relationship to architecture and landscape.

Kavya Srinivasan

Key strength of the scheme:

Strong design concept reinforced with massing and application of textures

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Questionable connection between architecture and landscape. Also, the different levels of the architecture cannot be accessed together.

Kuok Soo

Key strength of the scheme:

Solid massing technique well used in architectural composition, and good application of textures.

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Good axonometrics but they must be drawn in Moleskin size books.

Lin Qian

Key strength of the scheme:

Sophistocated design, dynamic landscape, with a good relationship between

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Detailed intersection between architecture and landscape somewhat clumsy.

Mae Yeung

Key strength of the scheme:

Good use of precedent with strong 3 dimensional adaption.

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Landscape, although with a good relationship to the architecture, is simplistic. Lighter end of texture scale not light enough.

Patrick Gilling

Key strength of the scheme:

Well devised and meaningful scheme with exceptional composition of landscape

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Probably could have been pushed further with the detailing option.

Paul Jewiss

Key strength of the scheme:

Although the detail of where the architecture meets the landscape is questionable, the architecture and the way it balances over the landscape is well resolved.

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Some ‘axonometrics’ are actually perspectives. Not enough contrast between the lightest and darkest textures.

Steven Angga

Key strength of the scheme:

Sophisticated architectural composition and application of textures.

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

No special way in which the architecture relates to the landscape.

Wei Cao

Key strength of the scheme:

Reasonably successful contrast between architectural elements with application of textures

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Simplistic design with unsatisfactory relationship with the landscape

WenJun Hu

Key strength of the scheme:

Exceptional use of media and beautifully resolved design, in particular spatial composition and circulation and engagement with the landscape.

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Probably too much of a domestic style of design to adequately suit the typology of laboratory.

Tony Yang Zhou

Key strength of the scheme:

Exceptional definition of the clients’ brief. Good hand drawings, design development shown in blog, and resolved relationship with the land form.

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Lack of spatial resolution between the rectangular prisms.

Yangtian Jin

Key strength of the scheme:

Good composition of landscape and axonometric drawings.

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Textures a little rough, and the design model seems dominated by only one (or one type of) texture.

Yanjia Liao (Katie)

Key strength of the scheme:

Nicely composed prisms, spaces, and landscape with successful relations between.

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Axonometrics need more time (but good use of Sketchup).

Yin Liang (Candy)

Key strength of the scheme:

Well composed spaces as they relate between the architectural forms and landscape walls

Most significant weakness of the scheme:

Very uncomfortable (almost accidental) relationship between architecture and landscape

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Some precedents for EXP2

I expect you all to post at least one relevant precedent on your blogs to accompany your EXP2 submission.


> Classic architecture from 1935 using the latest reinforced concrete technology at the time to form cantilevered horizontal elements that contrast vertical stone anchors grounded into the wild landscape


> Relationship between architecture and landscape

CADENCE Out of the Box

> Beautiful and unexpected detailing

How do I add lights in Sandbox??

Press 'Entity'
Press 'Lights'